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Quantum Motion announces record integration of quantum devices manufactured by GlobalFoundries.
Quantum Motion announces record integration of quantum devices manufactured by GlobalFoundries.
Quantum Motion is developing a revolutionary technology platform; not just a qubit, but a scalable array of qubits based on the ubiquitous silicon technology already used in smartphones and computers.
Our team of quantum engineers are developing quantum computing architectures that are compatible with standard silicon processing. Unlocking the power of quantum computing with the simplicity of silicon.
By creating a scalable quantum computing technology we will be able to tackle currently intractable problems in fields as diverse as chemistry, medicine and artificial intelligence.
Silicon-based integrated circuit technology is the bedrock of the digital revolution.
It allows billions of transistors to fit in the size of a stamp; unlocking the power of quantum computing with the simplicity of silicon.
Even a single logical qubit might require a thousand physical qubits to allow the robust error checking required for dependable calculation. Only by using a scalable qubit technology can we keep the chip the size of a stamp and not a stadium.
A smartphone based on vacuum tubes
rather than silicon integrated circuits would be 10cm thick and cover an area the size of inner London.
The same scaling arguments are important for quantum devices: We need an ultra-scalable architecture for quantum computers to reach their full potential.
A smartphone based on vacuum tubes
rather than silicon integrated circuits would be 10cm thick and cover an area the size of inner London.
The same scaling arguments are important for quantum devices: We need an ultra-scalable architecture for quantum computers to reach their full potential.
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