Quantum Motion attends APS March Meeting 2023: Who, What, Where, and When

Eight team members are heading to Las Vegas to attend this year’s American Physical Society’s (APS) March Meeting. The APS March Meeting brings together scientists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs.
Quantum Motion team members will be presenting seven talks and one poster at this year’s conference. Find out who is speaking, when and where, also find links to the abstracts and research papers below:
A74.00007: An Elongated Quantum Dot as a Distributed Charge Sensor
Monday 6 March 2023, 9.36AM (GMT-8), Room 403/404
James Williams, Quantum Engineer
F73.00007: Exponential Error Suppression Techniques for Near-Term Quantum Devices
Tuesday 7 March, 2023, 9.12AM (GMT-8), Room 405
Bálint Koczor, Senior Architecture Theorist
F64.00010: Training Variational Quantum Circuits with CoVaR: Covariance root finding with classical shadows
Tuesday 7 March, 2023, 10.12AM (GMT-8), Room 415
Bálint Koczor, Senior Architecture Theorist
G00.00286: Multicore Quantum Computing
Tuesday 7 March, 2023, 2.00PM (GMT-8), Exhibit Hall
Hamza Jnane, Architecture Theorist
M74.00012: Rapid Characterisation of Over 1000 Silicon Quantum Dots
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 10.36AM (GMT-8), Room 403/404
Mark Johnson, Senior Quantum Engineer
N72.00009: Non-Reciprocal Pauli Spin Blockade in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 1.06PM (GMT-8), Room 406
David Ibberson, Senior Quantum Engineer
N74.00009: CMOS On-chip Thermometry at Deep-Cryogenic Temperatures
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 1.30PM (GMT-8), Room 403/404
Grayson Noah, Senior IC Validation Engineer
Q74.00013: Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance of a Flopping Mode Acceptor-Dot Hybrid
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 5.48PM (GMT-8), Room 403/404
Felix-Ekkehard von Horstig, Quantum Engineer
Z74.00009: Dispersively Sensed Entangling Gate in Silicon Quantum Dots Fabricated on 300mm Wafers
Friday 10 March 2023, 1.30PM (GMT-8), Room 403/404
Jacob Chittock-Wood, Quantum Engineer