
The latest developments in our quest for scalable quantum computing


Quantum Motion attends APS Global Physics Summit 2025: Who, What, Where, and When

Five team members are heading to Anaheim, California to attend this year’s American Physical Society’s (APS) Global Physics Summit. The APS Global Physics Summit brings together scientists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Quantum Motion team members will be presenting seven talks at this year’s conference. […]

Photo of Anaheim Convention centre with palm trees
Press Releases

Quantum Motion joint funds Prosperity Partnership to address thermal challenges in quantum computing

Quantum Motion has partnered with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Strathclyde to develop new ways to overcome the challenges of running quantum control electronics in extremely cold conditions. Quantum computing systems typically operate at deep cryogenic temperatures near absolute zero, -273.15° Celsius, inside cryostats, devices used to maintain extremely low temperatures. […]

Illustration of a quantum chip showing heat map

How to become a Quantum Engineer at Quantum Motion

We are delighted to announce our Quantum Engineer rotation programme at Quantum Motion starting September 2025. Our early career programme is a unique opportunity to kickstart your profession in industrial quantum engineering. This is an entry-level role with one-year of training for those who want to become a quantum engineer. Successful candidates will join a […]

Quantum Engineer at work in the lab
Press Releases

Quantum Motion Announces Record Integration of Quantum Devices and Partnership with Semiconductor Manufacturer, GlobalFoundries

London, UK, 06 January 2025 – In a significant milestone for scalable quantum computing, Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by academics from University College London and Oxford University, has demonstrated rapid, large-scale characterisation of quantum devices fabricated using commercial semiconductor processes. Quantum Motion has designed a silicon chip featuring an integrated array […]

Photography of an array of Quantum chips designed by Quantum Motion and manufactured by GlobalFoundries
Research Papers

Method for Efficient Large-Scale Cryogenic Characterization of CMOS Technologies

NPL and Quantum Motion have published a study in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, which reports the test of thousands of silicon transistors at cryogenic temperatures, revealing the behavioural changes that must be accounted for in chips targeting quantum computing applications. The quantum computing field needs to move from research systems with a few […]

An array of quantum chips
Press Releases

Quantum Motion and Goldman Sachs Identify Quantum Applications in Financial Services Project

30th October 2024, London, UK – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by Professor John Morton, University College London (UCL), and Professor Simon Benjamin, University of Oxford, has worked alongside Goldman Sachs to research how quantum computers can be used in financial services to perform complex calculations, such as options pricing. The research, […]

Motion Silicon Chip leaning on coin

Quantum Motion opens lab in Australia expanding their operations to build a scalable silicon quantum computer

Quantum Motion has opened its new lab in Sydney at Cicada Innovations, Australia’s leading deep tech incubator. Quantum Motion’s multimillion-dollar investment in technology, infrastructure, and people will allow the company to contribute to Australia’s growing quantum industry and broad range of talent. “Australia is an exciting place for the technology sector,” explains Mark Johnson, Quantum […]

Photo of the Quantum Motion team based in Sydney

Principal IC Engineer awarded 1851 Royal Commission Fellowship

Alberto Gómez Saiz, Principal IC Engineer at Quantum Motion has been awarded a prestigious Industrial Fellowship by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. The Industrial Fellowship from the Royal Commision aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry promoting research with real-world impact. Fellows conduct research within their company and are supported […]

Photo of Alberto Gómez Saiz, Principal IC Engineer
Research Papers

Exchange Control in a MOS double quantum dot made using a 300mm wafer process

In our latest paper, our team have demonstrated exchange control, which forms the basis for two-qubit gates between spin qubits, in an MOS Double quantum dot device fabricated using a 300 mm wafer metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) process. The quality of the manufacturing manifests in low detuning noise and relatively long T2 for natural silicon in a […]

Exchange driven oscillations between |↓↑⟩ and |↑↓⟩ states, measured rf-phase response proportional to singlet probability
Research Papers

Measurement of cryoelectronics heating using a local quantum dot thermometer in silicon

Integrating classical electronics alongside quantum devices in silicon offers the possibility of building truly scalable quantum computers. However, to ensure these hybrid chips succeed, we need to understand how the power dissipated by classical electronics, may affect the qubit devices located in close proximity. Our work, published in Chip, led by Quantum Engineer and UCL PhD […]

Artistic illustration of a hybrid quantum-classical chip at cryotemperatures, where the spins above the chip represent quantum dot thermometers and how temperature is mapped across the chip.

Keeping cool: Record breaking on-chip thermometry

The microprocessors in your computer come embedded with temperature sensors, to ensure the CPU doesn’t overheat. Similar on-chip sensors need to be developed for the control electronics integrated into quantum computers, but these have the additional challenge of working at the ultra-low temperatures needed for quantum computing. The majority of leading quantum processor platforms (spin, […]

Research Papers

Probabilistic Interpolation of Quantum Rotation Angles

Moving from the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System to the 16-bit SNES, unlocked richer virtual worlds due to the increased bits of resolution. Increasing the resolution of electronic systems used to control qubits would similarly further improve the performance of quantum computers. We can ask, how many bits of resolution are needed to control quantum computers […]

The measurement cost of PAI is increased compared to the case when one has access to continuous rotation angles

Quantum Motion attends APS March Meeting 2024: Who, What, Where, and When

Three team members are heading to Minneapolis to attend this year’s American Physical Society’s (APS) March Meeting. The APS March Meeting brings together scientists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Quantum Motion team members will be presenting three talks at this year’s conference. Find out […]

Press Releases

Quantum Motion wins bid to deliver first silicon quantum computing prototype to NQCC

6th February 2024, London, UK – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by Professor John Morton, University College London (UCL), and Professor Simon Benjamin, University of Oxford, has been selected by the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) to build a quantum processor test bed for its site in Oxfordshire. Quantum Motion’s prototype […]

Photo of Quantum Silicon chip
Press Releases

Quantum Motion and University of Pennsylvania agree partnership on silicon qubit research

London, UK. 8 November 2023 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by Professor John Morton, University College London (UCL), and Professor Simon Benjamin, University of Oxford have signed a flagship academic partnership with the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US. Quantum Motion will provide researchers access to its latest silicon qubit chips alongside […]

Photo of Asst Prof Anthony Sigillito (left) and Prof John Morton (right) at Quantum Motion's London Lab.
Research Papers

CMOS on-chip thermometry at deep cryogenic temperatures

Diagram of cryogenic measurement setup. The legend in the bottom left gives the materials in the structures used for thermometry(b)-(e).. The microprocessors in your computer come embedded with temperature sensors, to ensure the CPU doesn’t overheat. Similar on-chip sensors need to be developed for solid-state quantum processors, but these have the additional challenge of working at […]

Diagram of cryogenic measurement setup. DC signals are carried from room-temperature electronics to the mixing chamber using DC PhBr looms thermalized at each stage of a dilution refrigerator and then RF and DC filtered. The 3 mm x 3 mm chip is glued to a PCB. The legend in the bottom left gives the materials in (b)-(e). (b) NPN and PNP diode structures (c) Silicided polysilicon resistor structure with contacts on silicide layer allowing 4-point measurement (d) Field-effect transistor with gate stack similar to c, measurement contacts are separated away from device. (e) Quantum dot transistor with overlay showing the energy level structure that results in sequential single-electron tunnelling.

UK Chancellor visits Quantum Motion

London, UK. 10 July 2023 – UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, today visited Quantum Motion’s London laboratory prior to his first Mansion House speech. In his speech he will reveal plans to release billions of pounds from British pensions to help fund early-stage businesses in sectors like quantum tech, life sciences, and fintech. […]


Quantum Motion appoints April Carniol as Programme Director

April Carniol will shape technical and commercial strategies across Quantum Motion to accelerate our research into products. She joins from IBM where she held several roles, including Technical Lead of Quantum Hardware Design Development. She led the delivery of first-of-a-kind, large-scale quantum processor designs, including the 127-qubit Eagle and 433-qubit Osprey processors. London, UK, 6 […]

Research Papers

Quantum Dot-Based Frequency Multiplier

Our team presents a quantum dot-based radio-frequency multiplier operated at cryogenic temperatures with enhanced efficiency over current classical counterparts. This work demonstrates that silicon quantum devices are useful today. To build a scalable quantum computer classical electronics needs to operate in the fridge alongside quantum devices. Silicon offers the opportunity to integrate hybrid quantum-classical computing […]

Research Papers

Pipeline quantum processor architecture for silicon spin qubits

We present a new idea to process quantum information using silicon technology: The Pipeline. NISQ devices offer us the opportunity to achieve quantum advantage over classical systems without the use of full quantum error correction. We propose a NISQ processor architecture in which qubit states travel through a layered physical array of structures which realise […]

Press Releases

Sony Innovation Fund Joins Largest UK Quantum Investment in Second Close of Quantum Motion’s Funding Round

London, UK. 24 May 2023 – Sony Innovation Fund has become the latest high-profile investor to back Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by Professor John Morton, University College London (UCL), and Professor Simon Benjamin, Oxford University. Sony Innovation Fund is joining the second close of the company’s funding round, announced in February […]


Quantum Motion attends APS March Meeting 2023: Who, What, Where, and When

Eight team members are heading to Las Vegas to attend this year’s American Physical Society’s (APS) March Meeting. The APS March Meeting brings together scientists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Quantum Motion team members will be presenting seven talks and one poster at this […]

Photo of Welcome to Las Vegas Sign
Research Papers

Fast High-Fidelity Single-Shot Readout of Spins in Silicon Using a Single-Electron Box

Our latest paper demonstrates a new quantum sensor for semiconductor qubits that, while being more compact than previous detectors, performs at the state of the art. Physical Review X Paper

Press Releases

Quantum Motion Raises £42 Million Investment Round Led By Bosch Ventures

London, UK. 21 February 2023 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up founded by Professor John Morton, UCL, and Professor Simon Benjamin, Oxford University, has raised over £42 million in equity funding from some of the world’s leading quantum and technology investors. The oversubscribed round is led by Bosch Ventures (RBVC) and joined by […]

Collage of Photos, Top: Quantum Motion team outside London lab, Bottom left: Dilution Fridge, Bottom middle: Quantum motion chip, Bottom right: Quantum motion chip on circuit board and measurement puck for fridge
Press Releases

Quantum Motion appoints Anna Stockklauser as VP of Product

Anna Stockklauser will direct our product development across Quantum Motion to grow our teams. She joins from Rigetti Computing where she held several roles including Director of Product Strategy. Her academic background brings technical expertise in hybrid quantum systems and semiconductor quantum dots. London, UK, 6 February 2023 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing […]

Photo of Anna Stockklauser
Research Papers

An elongated quantum dot as a distributed charge sensor

Our latest paper demonstrates that we have upgraded charge sensors in silicon, which can now sense charges 500 nanometers apart from each other. This will help optimise the layouts of quantum processors. This is a great demonstration of collaboration from team Quantum Motion (Sofia Patomäki, James Williams, Constance Lainé, Ross Leon, Michael Fogarty & others) with our partners imec and Niels Bohr Institute, […]

Press Releases

Quantum Motion appoints Jane Osborne-Buglear as Chief Operating Officer

Jane Osborne-Buglear will lead the delivery of Quantum Motion’s strategy and grow the company to meet its goals. Brings 30+ years of experience in the technology sector, scaling multiple businesses from early stage to global market presence. London, UK, 16 December 2022 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing start-up led by academics from UCL […]

Photo of Jane Osborne-Buglear
Research Papers

A quantum dot-based frequency multiplier

Quantum dots in silicon are not only great to host qubits but also to help generate the frequencies necessary to read and manipulate them. Now, we demonstrate a quantum dot-based frequency multiplier with ideal frequency conversion up to x10. Get in touch with our team to discuss the details: Giovanni Oakes, Lorenzo Peri, Alberto Gómez […]


Measuring 1024 quantum dots in 5 minutes: How our diverse team collaborates to deliver world-leading results

In a major step forward for mass characterisation of quantum devices made on a silicon chip our team has demonstrated how 1024 quantum dots, fabricated in a commercial semiconductor foundry and occupying an area of less than 0.1mm² can be measured in less than 5 minutes. This is at least 100 times faster than the […]

a picture of the Bloomsbury chip down a microscope showing it with wire bonds to a PCB (as tested)
Press Releases

Quantum industry milestone brings mass production of quantum chips closer

London, UK, 26 October 2022 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing start-up led by academics from UCL and Oxford University, has achieved a world-record measurement of quantum devices made on a silicon chip. The company has been able to place thousands of quantum dot devices, integrated alongside control electronics operating at temperatures less than […]

A photo of an array of silicon chips unbonded on a soft grey foam background
Research Papers

Integrated multiplexed microwave readout of silicon quantum dots in a cryogenic CMOS chip

We describe a new type of electronic noise (the cyclostationary shot noise), where this noise determines the ultimate limit of sensitivity of compact charge sensors for silicon spin qubits. The results have strong implications on the better design of quantum sensors for the readout of spin-based quantum computers. arXiv Paper

Research Papers

Parametric amplifiers based on quantum dots

Parametric amplifiers have been instrumental in achieving quantum advantage using superconducting technology. Now, we demonstrate that they can be built out of silicon. Check out our proposal and proof-of-principle demonstration of a parametric amplifier based on the quantum capacitance of silicon quantum dots. APS Abstract arXiv Paper

Research Papers

Looped Pipelines Enabling Effective 3D Qubit Lattices in a Strictly 2D Device

We have identified an architecture that enables the implementation of a 3D qubit lattice in a 2D hardware platform, which opens up doors to a wide range of applications that were previously constrained by qubit connectivity. In particular, we found that it can remove almost all overheads for a leading quantum error mitigation method in […]

Research Papers

Minimalizing spin readout in silicon

Check out how we reduced the on chip real state of spin readout sensors while achieving fault tolerant readout fidelity at state-of-the-art timescales. arXiv paper

Research Papers

Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry

All you need to know about radio frequency reflectometry and how to measure quantum electronic devices fast. arXiv paper


Quantum Motion opens new lab in London to build scalable quantum computer

After a lot of anticipation we are excited to announce our official lab opening today. We were joined by Theo Blackwell, MBE and Chief Digital Officer for the Mayor of London’s office for the opening ceremony, which included a bond-wire cutting over a PCB board as part of the ceremonial ribbon-cutting ceremony. Theo shared inspiring […]

Research Papers

Scaling silicon-based quantum computing with CMOS technology

For those of you that would like to know more about Silicon-based Quantum Computing, the state-of-the-art, the challenges and perspectives ahead, check out our review in Nature Electronics Nature article


Quantum Motion leads £5.7 million UKRI project to develop cryo-electronics chip

LONDON, UK – Nov. 5, 2021 – A UK based consortium launched today with the goal to develop a cryogenic chip for integrated control and readout of qubits, based on CMOS technology. Named Altnaharra, a three-year UKRI project led by Quantum Motion, brings together partners with renowned expertise in qubits based on superconducting circuits, trapped […]

Press Releases

Quantum computing breakthrough shows blueprint for scalable future

London, UK, 31 March 2021 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing startup led by academics from UCL and Oxford University, has made a breakthrough that radically advances the viability and production of quantum computers. Quantum Motion has been able to demonstrate state of the art quantum capabilities using industrial-grade silicon chips, helping to set […]

Research Papers

Neural network powered qubit noise spectroscopy

We demonstrate a neural-network-based methodology that allows for extraction of the noise spectrum associated with any qubit

Neural network powered qubit noise spectroscopy diagram
Research Papers

Integrated readout of silicon quantum dots in a CMOS chip

We present a cryogenic integrated circuit (IC) fabricated using industrial CMOS technology that hosts three key ingredients of a silicon-based quantum processor

Integrated readout of silicon quantum dots in a CMOS chip
Research Papers

Automatic virtual voltage extraction of a 2xN quantum dot array

Spin qubits in quantum dots are a compelling platform for fault-tolerant quantum computing

Automatic virtual voltage extraction of a 2xN quantum dot array diagram
Research Papers

Dispersive readout of ambipolar quantum dots

We report measurements of ambipolar gate-defined quantum dots in silicon on insulator (SOI) nanowires fabricated using a customised complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process.

Electron spin readout in a CMOS device diagram
Research Papers

Remote capacitive sensing in 2D quantum-dot arrays

We demonstrate long range capacitive coupling in 2D arrays of gate-induced quantum dots in silicon nanowire field-effect transistors

Remote capacitive sensing in 2D quantum-dot arrays diagram
Research Papers

Electron spin readout in a CMOS device

We report the first measurements of an electron spin in a device fabricated using 300mm wafer scale processing

Electron spin readout in a CMOS device diagram
Research Papers

Introducing the “multi-core” NISQ model

Implementing a Hubbard model variational quantum eigensolver on a NISQ platform

Multi-core NISQ model diagram
Research Papers

A silicon surface code architecture resilient against leakage errors

We present a surface code architecture for silicon quantum dot spin qubits that is robust against charge leakage errors by incorporating multi-electron mediator dots

A silicon surface code architecture resilient against leakage errors image